How to use 3rd party player to play BlendVision One VOD with DRM
The following step by step tutorial is a sample project to demonstrate how to integrate BlendVision One DRM with video.js + React.
A Valid BlendVision One Account (Contact us)
1. How to Get Your API Token and Organization ID
- Login to your BlendVision One console
- Navigate to Developers > API Tokens
- Click on the Create New API Token
- Set the Expiration Date. You can set it to never or set a date on your needs.
- Copy the API Token and Organization ID from the dialog

2. How to Get Your Content ID
- Navigate to VOD
- Find the video that you want and click
- Copy the VOD ID under Preview in General
- Check if the VOD DRM is enabled

3. How to Get Your Content DASH/HLS URL
- Get the Sample code from Github: https://github.com/BlendVision/bv-api-samples-python
- Copy the code from “get_content_info.py”
- Replace the Environment variable with your own value in the following code
$ python3 get_content_info.py --content_id $BV_CONTENT_ID --api_key $BV_ONE_API_KEY --org_id $BV_ONE_ORG_ID - ~BV_CONTENT_ID=your_content_id
- ~BV_ONE_ORG_ID=your_org_id
- ~BV_ONE_API_KEY=your_api_key
- Run the code and copy the DASH URL and HLS URL

4. How to Get Your DRM Playback Token
- Get the Sample code from Github: https://github.com/BlendVision/bv-api-samples-python
- Copy the code from “get_playback_token.py”
- Replace the Environment variable with your own value in the following code
python3 get_playback_token.py --content_id $BV_CONTENT_ID --api_key $BV_ONE_API_KEY --org_id $BV_ONE_ORG_ID - ~BV_CONTENT_ID=your_content_id
- ~BV_ONE_ORG_ID=your_org_id
- ~BV_ONE_API_KEY=your_api_key
- Run the code and copy the DRM Playback Token

5. Demo with Video.js + React sample player
- Check out the code from BlendVision Github: https://github.com/BlendVision/drm-client-samples/tree/player_setting
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/BlendVision/drm-client-samples.git - Open the index.js file with following code
cd drm-client-samples > subl . - Copy and paste those ID, token and url from Step 1 to 4 in the single quotes of following parameters:
- ~orgId = your_org_id
- ~apiKey = your_api_key
- ~resourceID = your_content_id
- ~manifest_url_dash = your_dash_url
- ~manifest_url_hls = your_hls_url
- ~playbackToken = your_drm_playback_token
- Install dependencies: yarn or npm install
- Start development server with following code(use npm install as example)
- ~cd video-js-react > npm install > npm run dev
- Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and you’ll find a video with DRM protection if successfully integrated with video.js + React.

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